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Large Blade Finishing

Reach a consistent and optimized finishing quality in complex blade designs

Complex blade designs in aerospace and energy industries require an advanced finishing process. With decades of expertise in perfecting surface finish, together with know-how in precision industry manufacturing, Mirka can offer a consistent and optimized finishing quality in jet turbine fan blade finishing.

Reach the optimal finish with a minimized scrap rate

Answer to the Challenge

A driving force in turbine development is improved energy efficiency both in the finished product as well as at the manufacturing stage. This leads into increasingly complex three-dimensional shapes, resulting in challenges in meeting consistent quality requirements with conventional manual finishing methods.

Mirka’s force-controlled finishing technology is suitable for different large blade applications, ranging from jet engines to gas and steam turbines, where extreme precision is key. As a result, both the desired finishing quality and minimized scrap rate can be reached.

Automated finishing process in a controlled environment

7-Axis Robotized Platform

Mirka utilizes a 7-axis robotized platform for large blade finishing in a wet process environment, which is a requirement due to the highly flammable dust created from sanding turbine blade material. The resulting uniform surface quality minimizes process waste and scrap rate, with increased yearly production capacity.

As an added bonus, the automated process reduces strain on the operator, as the entire robot cell is software controlled.

Suitable for large and heavy workpieces

Linishing Cell

The platform allows for large and heavy workpieces, up to 1800mm in length with a maximum weight of 500kg. Multiple robots can work together in the same system, which reduces the time to completion. Meanwhile, the operator can safely install a new workpiece outside the cell.

The cell features a patented, 30x3500mm L-series belt grinder for large surfaces.

  • Wet process environment
  • Tool to part working method
  • Special belt tool with 3500mm length belt
  • Active belt guidance monitoring
  • Integrated tool center point calibration and part position measurement

Sections of a Jet Turbine