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Delete defects in seconds
Remove surface defects such as dust nibs in seconds with Mirka's system, saving both time and money. Mirka's cordless sanders together with mini abrasive discs take care of removing the imperfection in the clearcoat, followed by polishing the surface back to a showroom shine using Mirka's cordless polishers and water based compounds.
Mirka Iridium™ SR - Dedicated to the Finish
The triangular silicon carbide grains of the Mirka Iridium™ SR spot repair abrasive form new abrasive edges whenever they break down during the sanding process, prolonging its sharpness. This gives you a world-class, uniform cut and scratch pattern that is fast and easy to polish out.
How do dust nibs occur?
At the final stages of collision repair, after paint and clearcoat has been applied, small imperfections such as dust nibs can become embedded in the clearcoat. These can be visible when inspecting the surface, and in a professionally finished surface there should not be any imperfections.
How to remove surface defects?
Removing dust nibs at the post paint finishing stage is easy with Mirka products and solutions. Damp sanding of the imperfection is done with a Mirka cordless or pneumatic tool, with the sanding taking just seconds. Next, the surface is polished to a perfect shine using Mirka polishing pads and polishing compound.
Where convenience meets control
Iridium SR is best paired with Mirka’s ergonomic cordless tools, the AOS-B and AROS-B, giving an unparalleled performance in spot repair work and finishing quality control.
The light and ergonomic sanders improve productivity in manufacturing and collision repair.
Do you want to know more?
Please get in touch and our expert support team will answer your questions.