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Is the 1025 dust extractor self cleaning
The model 1025 is not self cleaning. The 1230 dust extractor has a self cleaning mechanism which cleans the filter automatically every 15 seconds. The self-cleaning action is noticeable from a "thump" sound.
Do I have to use a dust bag in the extractor
We recommend all of our extractors are used with dust bags.
Can Mirka LEROS be used for floor sanding
Mirka does not recommend using Mirka LEROS for hardwood floor or deck sanding, as it has not been designed for these particular applications.
How can I keep my tools from vibrating?
Random orbital sanders are designed to be used with specific sized pads, with a precise weight. Make sure you are using the correct size pad, and that it is in good condition. Changing your backing pad when necessary will keep the vibrations of your sander to the minimum. Large chunks of missing pad
How to repair a broken cable on Mirka DEROS/DEOS/LEROS?
Over time, the cables on Mirka DEROS, DEOS and LEROS tools might break due to wear and tear. To address this matter, Mirka shifted from molded cables to cables with rewireable connectors on these tools. This means the cable connectors can be changed by the user themselves, without need for special t
When and how to oil a pneumatic sander
If you experience the pneumatic sander gradually feeling slower, add 1-2 drops of oil into the air inlet and keep the machine running for 30 seconds so that excess oil is drained. The tool requires proper lubrication to prevent premature wear - keep it well oiled and it will continue to perform well
Where can I find the serial number on Mirka power tools
The serial number location on Mirka power tools varies depending of the tool in question. Here you can find answers for finding the number on several of our tools. Click the following links to view an instructional PDF file. Mirka® AOS Angle Orbital Sander The serial number is located on the front o
Tools information & technical specifications
Product information and technical specifications for Mirka tools, including machine manuals, exploded views, spare parts, related products etc. are available on the Mirka website and can be accessed through the following links: Electric orbital sanders (DEOS) Electric random orbital sanders (DEROS,
Why is water spraying out of my sander's exhaust
Water will build up in an air compressor during use. A "dryer", or an in-line water separation filter should be used to prevent moisture from reaching the tool components.
When and how to oil a pneumatic sander
If you experience the pneumatic sander gradually feeling slower, add 1-2 drops of oil into the air inlet and keep the machine running for 30 seconds so that excess oil is drained. The tool requires proper lubrication to prevent premature wear - keep it well oiled and it will continue to perform well
Why is my pneumatic sander running slower than normal
First of all, check and make sure there are no air leaks in the line, and that your compressor is producing 17 CFM at 90 PSI, the recommended pressure. If the air supply is adequate, check that the pneumatic tool is properly lubricated - it needs to be oiled to perform best. When the tool is noticed