Search results for "iridium sr"
9 resultsProducts
Iridium SR Advanced Abrasive for Finishing
The Iridium SR spot repair abrasive is ideal for the finest finishing stages of automotive refinishing
New Mirka Iridium® SR with Three-Dimensional Technology
Mirka’s new Iridium SR abrasive features excellent consistency and an extremely long life with its efficient
Automotive Finishing and Spot Repair
The triangular silicon carbide grains of the Mirka Iridium SR spot repair abrasive form new abrasive...Mirka Iridium SR - Dedicated to the Finish
PRO Iridium Finishing Compound
PRO Iridium Finishing Compound...Sanding the imperfections is done with our cordless spot repair sanders and Mirka Iridium® SR spot repair
Tier 1 and Suppliers
Remove defects in seconds from paint or clearcoat using Iridium SR spot repair abrasives and handy cordless
Mirka® PRO Finishing Solution
Sand the imperfection away using Mirka's cordless spot repair sanders together with Mirka Iridium® SR
Mirka® Cordless Sanders and Polishers
Mirka’s new Iridium SR abrasive features excellent consistency and an extremely long life with its efficient
Automotive Industry
With Mirka's new Iridium SR and water-based, sustainable Polarshine® compounds from Mirka, the PRO Finish