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How can I locate the expiration date of Mirka Polarshine?

How do I find the expiration date on a Mirka Polarshine bottle?

Check this handy guide to confirm the expiration dates of Mirka® Polarshine polishing compounds.


Bottles produced from January 2022

The YYWW and MMYYYY formats are superseded by a new, more precise DDMMYYYY format which displays the expiration date instead of the production date. The batch number remains in use, in the same form, but it is placed on a separate line alongside the expiration date.

Where to find the expiration date:

On a 250ml bottle: Batch number and expiration date are laser printed onto the upper part of the bottle.

On a 1-litre bottle: Batch number and expiration date are engraved onto the bottom part of the bottle.

On a 2.8-litre can: Batch number and expiration date are laser printed onto the bottom part of the can.

On a 5-litre can: Batch number and expiration date are laser printed onto the bottom part of the can.

On a 17-litre bin: Batch number and expiration date are laser printed onto the bottom part of the bin.

On a 180-litre barrel: Batch number and expiration date are located on the label on the lid.

The expiration date depends of the product.

Earlier, the shelf life of Polarshine compounds has been 2 years from the marked production date. This has now been expanded to 3 years for the following Polarshine products: 20, 15, 12, 12 Black, 10, 8, 5, 3, Liquid Wax, E3 and Polarshine 45. The shelf life of Polarshine 35 and 25 remains at 2 years.


Earlier styles of marking the batch number and expiration date

Bottles produced from 1st of October, 2019

For clarity, the production date is changed from YYWW to MMYYYY format. A typical production date will now read 092019.

Bottles produced before 1st of October, 2019

The bottle is marked with a batch number and a production date in YYWW format, which consists of the last four digits. For example, if the numbers are 1938, that stands for week 38 of 2019.

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