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Silver• Gold•• Platinum•••

Selecting the Optimal Wheel for Your Operation Has Never Been This Easy

Mirka’s Cafro product line is an innovative, quality-driven brand that strives to provide the ideal professional solution for our customers. With our new Silver• Gold•• Platinum••• range, we aim to guide our customers in selecting the best product for their specific need. We want to make the selection process easy depending on what the customer wants to achieve. Our performance-based designation system allows for an easy selection process and helps you to find the ideal Mirka® Cafro superabrasive for your operation and machine.

Selection Guide for Flute Grinding 

Silver wheels are optimized for the efficient flute grinding of small and medium series production runs on machines with a spindle power of less than 7kW, or for small series production runs on machines with a spindle power of 7-10kW.

The Gold range is a workhorse, the quality of choice for flute grinding in medium and large series production runs on machines with a sub-7kW spindle power; any series size on machines with a 7-10kW spindle power; and small to medium series production runs on machines with over 10kW of spindle power.

Platinum quality for platinum performance of demanding tasks on high-end equipment. Our flagship Platinum wheels are what you need for the flute grinding of medium and large series on machines with a spindle power of over 10kW.

Selection Guide for Gashing and Clearance Grinding 

Silver wheels are cost-effective choices for small series production with occasional dressing intervals or medium series production with frequent dressing intervals.

Gold quality wheels are ready for a wide range of series sizes. They handle small series with rare dressing intervals, medium series with occasional dressing intervals, and large series with frequent dressing intervals.

Platinum wheels are the quality of choice for the toughest grinding jobs, with a tough bond able to stand up to medium and large series sizes with long dressing intervals.

Do You Want to Know More?

Please get in touch and our expert support team will answer your questions.