Mirka power tool warranty

2+1 year warranty *

Mirka power tools have a two-year warranty starting from the date of purchase and covering defects in material and workmanship. By registering your Mirka power tool within 30 days from purchase you will obtain an additional one-year warranty.

*For the Middle East region (United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt) the warranty is valid for 12 months starting from the day of purchase. The warranty will only be valid if the tool is registered within 30 days of the purchase date. The registration can be done via the myMirka app or through the web service.

*For Brazil the warranty period is valid for 12 months starting from the day of purchase and sales invoice date to the user, 3 months is the legal warranty period (CDC - Brazilian Consumer Defense Code) and plus 9 months granted by Mirka.

*For Turkey the warranty is valid for 24 months starting from the day of purchase.

NOTE! If the tool is continuously used in industrial applications, the warranty period is one year.

 To keep your tool warranty valid the tool needs to be used, maintained and operated in compliance with the safety and operating instructions. However, if a problem occurs with your Mirka power tool, caused either by a manufacturing defect of the material or by workmanship, Mirka will repair your power tool free of charge in accordance with the warranty terms and conditions.



Web form warranty registration

You can register your Mirka power tool by submitting the registration form. The form is available under the ‘Register on website’ tab below. The warranty certificates are machine and customer specific. In other word, each tool must be registered separately, and the warranty cannot be transferred to another person or company.

Register on website
Register on website

Registro Múltiple icoRegistro Único ico


{{item.Value}} {{item.Text2}}

Already in list!! arrowdown icon
Ninguna Máquina Agregada
{{ item.machinename }}  
{{ item.serialnr }}  

Sí, he leído y acepto los términos y condiciones de la garantía y la política de privacidad de Mirka
* Campos obligatorios


{{ form.company }}
Apellido Paterno
{{ form.firstname }}
Apellido Materno
{{ form.surname }}
{{ form.jobtitle }}
Correo electrónico
{{ form.mail }}
{{ form.address }}
Código postal
{{ form.postalcode }}
{{ form.city }}
{{ country.Text }}
{{ form.sectors }}
Nombre de la máquina
{{ tool.Name }}
Número de serie
{{ form.serialnr }}
Nombre de la máquina
{{ item.machinename}}  
Número de serie
{{ item.serialnr }}  
{{ form.yourdealer }}
Fecha de compra
{{ form.dateofpurchasetext }}

Registro completo

Thank you for your registration!

Nombre de la máquina
Número de serie
{{ item.machinename }}  
{{ item.serialnr}}  



Submitting a warranty claim

To submit a warranty repair claim, contact your Mirka dealer or your local Mirka customer support. A warranty claim must be submitted within the warranty period and as soon as possible from the point in time when the defect or problem has been detected. 

Tools returned for warranty repair must be accompanied by a valid purchase receipt or invoice. For repairs during the additional one year warranty period the tool must be accompanied by a valid receipt or invoice and a valid certificate of the extended warranty.


After sales and service

Mirka is co-operating with professional authorized service centers, locally and regionally. In order to keep the tool warranty valid and ensure optimal tool safety and function, the service of Mirka branded tools must be carried out by a Mirka authorized service center. To locate your local Mirka authorized service center, contact Mirka Customer service in your country or region or your Mirka dealer.