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Cup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm Round

Carbide cup wheel for angle grinder. The product is used e.g. for material removal, grinding and finishing. It is suitable for e.g. processing wood, PVC plastic, plasterboard, concrete and aluminum. Can be used even on wet surfaces. The round shape is especially suitable for processing uneven surfaces.

Används till

Efterbehandling, Avverka, Slipning

Lämpliga material

Wood, Cement / betong, Aluminium, Plast

Teknisk specifikation

125 mm
General Product Safety Regulation symbols
Cup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm RoundCup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm RoundCup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm RoundCup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm RoundCup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm RoundCup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm RoundCup Wheel Carbide Ø 125 mm Round