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Search results for galaxy


19 results

Galaxy Ø 125 mm Grip

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull with ceramic, self-sharpening grain.

Galaxy Ø 125 mm Grip

Galaxy Ø 150 mm PSA

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull with ceramic, self-sharpening grain.

Galaxy Ø 150 mm PSA

Galaxy Ø 125 mm PSA

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull with ceramic, self-sharpening grain.

Galaxy Ø 125 mm PSA

Galaxy Ø 150 mm Grip

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull with ceramic, self-sharpening grain.

Galaxy Ø 150 mm Grip

Galaxy Ø 77 mm Grip

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull with ceramic, self-sharpening grain.

Galaxy Ø 77 mm Grip

Galaxy Ø 150 mm Multifit Grip

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull. Featuring an optimized Multifit hole configuration

Galaxy Ø 150 mm Multifit Grip

Galaxy Ø 125 mm Multifit Grip

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull. Featuring an optimized Multifit hole configuration

Galaxy Ø 125 mm Multifit Grip

Galaxy Ø 200 mm 9H Grip

A state-of-the-art multi purpose abrasive engineered never to dull. Featuring an optimized Multifit hole configuration

Galaxy Ø 200 mm 9H Grip


15 results
Video Guides for Different Sanding Applications with Mirka® <strong><i>Galaxy</i></strong>


Video Guides for Different Sanding Applications with Mirka® Galaxy

Video guides for different wood sanding applications with Mirka® Galaxy abrasive.

Mirka® <strong><i>Galaxy</i></strong> High Technology Abrasive


Mirka® Galaxy High Technology Abrasive

Sand faster and longer with our new abrasive Mirka® Galaxy.

Video Guides for Different Sanding Applications with Mirka® <strong><i>Galaxy</i></strong>


Video Guides for Different Sanding Applications with Mirka® Galaxy

Every aspect of the Mirka Galaxy serves together to turn it into a real multi-purpose abrasive.

Sanding a Car With Mirka <strong><i>Galaxy</i></strong> Abrasive


Sanding a Car With Mirka Galaxy Abrasive

Sanding a Car With Mirka Galaxy Abrasive...A Mirka új Galaxy csiszolójának gyors vágási teljesítménye a széles szemcseválasztéknak köszönhetően

New High Technology Abrasive: Mirka® <strong><i>Galaxy</i></strong>


New High Technology Abrasive: Mirka® Galaxy

Mirka’s new innovative Galaxy abrasive combines effectiveness with long life, thanks to a new self-sharpening

<strong><i>Galaxy</i></strong> demo request


Galaxy demo request

Galaxy demo request

Wood Oiling


Wood Oiling

Sand the wooden surface with either Mirka Abranet ® or Mirka® Galaxy abrasives up to P150 with a Mirka

Automotive Paint Removal


Automotive Paint Removal

Our newest abrasive is the high-technology Mirka Galaxy, which is engineered for a fast cut and a long