Search results for airos
29 resultsMirka® AIROS 350NV
The Mirka® AIROS is an automatic, integrated, random orbital sander for industrial robots.
Mirka® AIROS 350CV
The Mirka® AIROS is an automatic, integrated, random orbital sander for industrial robots.
Mirka® AIROS 150NV
The Mirka® AIROS is an advanced electric sanding head for robot usage. The Mirka® AIROS…
Mirka® AIROS 650CV
The Mirka® AIROS is an automatic, integrated, random orbital sander for industrial robots.
Mirka® AIROS 550CV
The Mirka® AIROS is an automatic, integrated, random orbital sander for industrial robots.
Mirka® AIROS 550NV
The Mirka® AIROS is an automatic, integrated, random orbital sander for industrial robots.
Mirka® AIROS 650NV
The Mirka® AIROS is an automatic, integrated, random orbital sander for industrial robots.
14 resultsKnow-how
Mirka® Automation - Robotic Sanding and Polishing
The range of Mirka® AIROS includes the first smart electric sander for industrial robots and cobots.
Mirka Introduces New Robotic Sanders and Polishers for Automation
The Mirka® AIROS, the first smart electric sander designed for robotic sanding applications, is joined
What kind of electronics does the Mirka AIROS use?
What kind of electronics does the Mirka AIROS use?