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Mirka® AIROP 312NV 77mm UR kit EU

The Mirka® AIROP is an automated, industrial, random orbital polisher engineered for manufacturing – the first smart electric polisher for industrial robots. It can be adapted to work with Universal Robots collaborative solutions using a special UR installation kit, which includes the Mirka® AIROP polishing head and its motor drive cabinet, cabling and the required UR adaptor flange. A Mirka® abrasive sample kit is also included.

This kit includes;

  • Mirka AIROP 312NV robotic sanding head
  • Mirka motor drive cabinet Modbus
  • Mains Cable CE 230V for CEROS 2m
  • Adapter flange: ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6 to 80-6-M8 + screws
  • Cable (Shielded) 10m for robot sanding unit
  • USB Communications cable RS-485
  • USB Memory Stick
  • UR+ Installation Manual
  • Polishing Foam Pad 85x25mm Yellow Waffle, 2-P
General Product Safety Regulation symbols



Installation Manual - Mirka® Automation


Mirka® Automation & Universal Robots Quick Start guide


How to Install URCap for Mirka® Automation


How to set up a Universal Robots kit for Mirka® Automation

Mirka® AIROP 312NV 77mm UR kit EUMirka® AIROP 312NV 77mm UR kit EU